Microfiction: Waiting

This 97 word story is for the Friday Fictioneers prompt.

PHOTO PROMPT © Marie Gail Stratford



She sat by the door though the wind had risen, tearing the leaves, yellow and dry, from the trees. She had waited since the first crocuses flowered in spring, and the air turned mild and warm. He had said he would be back with the roses, so she waited through the summer while the blackbirds sang and the trees spread shady branches. She waited as the first berries grew red in the hedge and the geese flew south. She waited until the last petals fell on the last rose, and she closed the door to her heart.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

53 thoughts on “Microfiction: Waiting”

  1. Many of us have interpreted the photograph as embodying loss and tragedy and you did this so well Jane. A lovely walk through the seasons towards her locking her heart – really lovely

    1. Thank you 🙂 We have always had old-fashioned roses. They are the best, the most scented, but they only flower once. Here, they flower early and by May they’ve all finished. I hate knowing that the roses are over.

  2. There is only so long one can wait. Methinks one tour of each of the seasons is more than enough. Time to open another door.
    This was beautifully written, Jane.

  3. Of course we know we should never just be waiting, but it’s sometimes hard to override the hopeful heart…I too wish for a fresh start to her life. Planting new seeds. (K)

  4. Closed the door of her heart. Oh dear. That is so sad, when there are so many others who might be able to open her heart. I’m hoping she grieves, but then blooms anew in the spring 🙂

  5. Wonderful flow to this one, so beautiful and sad, and then the perfect ending. I’d like to think it’s a hopeful ending: closing her heart to the man who never returned is the first step to opening it to someone else.

  6. Elegant. Beautiful description. Perfectly judged flow. Well-rounded story. Strong conclusion. Lovely writing, Jane. I hope your MC is prepared to unlock her heart if the right person can offer her love.

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