The din of the birds

Jilly is running a month of Jim Harrison prompts again, so that’s my daily treat sorted.

“Spring day, too loud for talk
when bones tire of their flesh
and want something better.”



 The din of the birds


Some days, my ears tire of the din of the birds,

When the long-winged hawk hangs in the still air,

And about my feet, the bent grasses where hides the hare

Call me, with the moist voice of the rain-bubbling earth.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

13 thoughts on “The din of the birds”

  1. This is so Harrison-esque!!! You have captured his voice. The enjambment between 3 & 4 is just perfect and I am especially enamored of the bent grass feel under the feet. So glad you joined in! I am scheduling the prompt each day for the wee small hours in my time zone, so it will be around in time for your morning coffee and cat conversations 🙂

      1. I’m not certain you must. You seem to have a kindred spirit — at least as far as the natural world is concerned.

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