Horned moon

This haibun is in response to two prompts. My head is full of story and it’s hard coming out of it. I’m terrified I’ll lose my grip on one of the many threads, so I’m economising my words.

For Colleen Chesebro’s Tanka Tuesday, the prompt is synonyms of Dry and Wet, and for Jilly’s Days of Unreason, the quote is

“I’m quite tired of beating myself up to write.  I think I’ll start letting the words slip out like a tired child. “Can I have a piece of pie” he asks, and then he’s asleep back on the cusp of the moon.”                                                             ~ Jim Harrison from Songs of Unreason


In the dark, clutching the horns of the moon, afraid of falling into needle-sharp stars, she sleeps, fitfully, rocked in her precarious cradle, while silver sharks nibble her toes, and in the garden, the moon hound howls.

Fear is grey, parched

and moist—it sings the song of

no morning after.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

52 thoughts on “Horned moon”

  1. Vivid. I love the way you use description in your pieces. The way you set a scene is awesome. I’ve also never heard of a “haibun” so I learned a new form of poetry today. As always, thanks for sharing. ❤

      1. That’s all, as far as I can see. The prose bit has to be a real experience, not fiction, but I think that just means it isn’t meant to be a piece of flash fiction with a haiku tagged on at the end.

    1. Thank you 🙂 I’ve had a migraine today and probably most of the prose I’ve written will be rubbish. Poetry is different. I sometimes think the weird effect a migraine has on the brain produces interesting poems.

      1. Twilight Zone again! How come I’d never even heard of this series? I thought it was the same as Twilight (which I haven’t seen/read either) all about teen vampires.

      1. He still remembers those little grey creatures and probably always will. I remember the hippopotamus that ate my leg too, and the porcupine at the bottom of the bed and no doubt always will 🙂

  2. Oh–love this, Jane. Magical, mysterious, and beautiful. (We both had moons, too!) 🙂
    And Twilight Zone allusions again. You’re going to have watch an episode one day.
    Hope you feel better.

    1. Thank you! Migraine’s gone now and I’m going back over what I wrote yesterday. As I suspected it’s full of half-finished ideas, so I’m filling in gaps this morning. Maybe I shouldn’t ever watch Twilight Zone—it might cause interference 🙂

    2. I didn’t like to mention the moon. You didn’t see the first poem I wrote for the prompt—nobody did because I didn’t post it—that one was even closer to yours. It had humming too.

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