
For the dverse prompt.

death is not
when the leaf is torn
from the tree
but long before
when the sap recedes
and life ebbs—
kelp on the high tide line
waiting patiently for the flood

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

43 thoughts on “Exhaling”

    1. It seems as though it’s not enough for us to believe that we’re passing on the baton, that we’ve had our time and have paved the way for another generation, we want to believe that we go on and on forever.

  1. Living up here in the Land Of Changeable Foliage for as long as I have, I can always mark (ie “sense’) the day the sap stops running; the beginning of the (temporary) end. Great write, JD.

    1. I can imagine how awful it must be to watch a loved one barely hanging on, possibly in pain and just wishing for them to let go and die. I’ve only experienced it with a cat and that was distressing enough.

  2. Particularly poignant at the moment, when so many families are banned from visiting their ailing loved ones in care homes and must instead watch through the windows as they slowly waste away.

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