Promote yourself: how to do it on this blog

For all writers, poets, photographers, artists who would like to get a promotional blog post together, this is for you.
Using the contact form makes it all rather cloak and dagger, so to simplify things for those of you with questions about what to include in your post, here are a few guidelines you might want to follow.

1) Introduce yourself in whatever way you prefer, personal or professional, and give us an idea of what you do.

2) Choose a sample of your work—prose, poems, photographs, illustrations—that does you credit. It can be as long as you like. Book excerpts are fine, just bear in mind that reading a lot of unbroken text on the computer is tiring, and you might lose readers if it’s too long.

3) Send any images that are relevant, like book covers, illustrations, author pic if you want. Again, be reasonable. Please don’t send clippings images—neither I nor WordPress can cope with them.

4) The point is to promote you, so please send links to your blog/website, social media sites where you are active, purchase links, Amazon author page.

Send all the material you would like to include in your post to:

In theory, I’ll get back to you with an idea of when your post will go live. In practice, I probably won’t know until about a week beforehand. This is so organised for me you wouldn’t believe it

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

13 thoughts on “Promote yourself: how to do it on this blog”

    1. To do what? Send me an exerpt and a bit of a blurb & bio? If you wrote a book Peter, I think you’re capable 🙂 Or do you mean about letting other people invade your blog? That’s much more difficult. It helps to be organised and I’m not. And to be technically fluent and I’m not. It’s a challenge though and we’re supposed to need those. Aren’t we?

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