Gone away

As this blog is still gaining followers regularly, I am posting another change of address post. This blog is inactive because it has become unworkable. One by one the functions have broken down, and I have had to move to another location.

If you have enjoyed reading the posts here, please head over here (the link feature has disappeared) https://thefourswans.wordpress.com/category/all-posts/

The hyperlink quite possibly won’t be active, in which case, sorry, I tried.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

26 thoughts on “Gone away”

    1. I didn’t want to go, but there were just so many technical problems. Unfortunately, the new one isn’t much better. Can’t like, can only leave comments if I log in, and then not always. I still get no notifications. I think it’s because it’s the free plan, and this is WP’s idea of a subtle hint.

      1. Well, they can hint all they want. My funds are best spent elsewhere. I know Colleen also had a bit of trouble with hers. I’ve run into that ‘can’t’ like problem also. But when they start I just give them a break. Good to see you back😊


      2. WP more or less said that if I wanted the problems to clear up, I had to pay. But I know people with paid plans and they still don’t work. If you buy the bumper platinum-plated package, I expect that works fine. But the $25 a year package? Waste of money.

    1. I don’t understand how reader works. I haven’t posted anything from my old blog since May, but it still gets more visitors than this new one. I feel as though I’m not here sometimes πŸ™‚

      1. I think they just reckon I’ve had a free plan for long enough. Time to put the pressure on to pay for what used to be free. And there never used to be all those ads.

      2. I know it’s a real nightmare isn’t it. I pay for a personal plan and that went up this year! The free plan is still available though and they really should not penalize you for using one!

      3. I feel that I earn WP enough revenue with the dozens of ads they stick on every post without asking me if I approve of what they’re advertising. They impose that crap on me and still don’t provide the service I joined up for.

  1. I think it’s because if someone clicks on your name, that’s where it takes you. It’s like for Kblog–if you click on my name it takes you to memadtwo, not Kblog. At the beginning I tried to get the happiness engineers to fix it but then I gave up. (K)

      1. I asked one of them if he/she/it was a machine, but didn’t get an answer. I never got an answer to any of my questions or suggestions, or comeback on any of the info they asked for that I sent. Only a machine could be so consistently apologetic for not doing anything it said it was going to do.

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