200 word story: A grand day out

A short story in response to Sacha Black’s prompt: the odd one out.


Museum, cathedral, botanical gardens… car park. It should be here but it isn’t.
I turn the map upside down, face back the way I’ve just come and try again. The spire’s on the left, the cedar of the botanical gardens is poking up over the wall on the right, car park should be…
Where the fuck has it gone?
I’m swearing in my head which is a bad sign. Why do they even need a car park in this god-forsaken hole? It’s dead! Museum’s closed, cathedral’s falling down, and the botanical gardens have gone wild. Not surprising there are no tourists. Just the ugliest housing estate I’ve ever seen, and this awful smell.

Funny. One of those terrible houses, one like a pile of boxes, the roof, I’m sure, it sort of lifted. Another one, other side of the street. Christ! Rumbling! Is it an earthquake, or what?
Where did that fucking car park go?
There, more roofs flipping up, and there’s something inside, big green eyes staring. The boxes, they’re full of… Not rumbling. Growling. I recognize the smell now—cat shit.
I start to run.
A catnip mouse the size of a pony hits me in the back.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

6 thoughts on “200 word story: A grand day out”

  1. I know the feeling–looking for that thing on the map–but not (thank goodness) how it feels to be pelted by a giant catnip mouse. This made me laugh, thank you.

    1. My mother’s solution to finding the thing that ought to be there but isn’t, was always to turn the map upside down and see if that worked. I’ve inherited her complete lack of sense of direction. If the world was run by cats, I’m not sure it would be a very pleasant place.

  2. Proper lol, LOVED this, so visual too. Laughed out loud at the catnip. Thank you for participating I love your writing so much I really look forward to what you come up with. ❤

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