More messing?

Is it just my theme, or is it a general thing that WP has decided to destroy the layout of our blogs? I posted this morning and thought there was a technical error. Looked at my home page and it also looks like a technical error. I chose that theme because it let me make a home page I liked. What I see now is rubbish, a pale background with just a small corner of my original background that looks like nothing at all.

Does anyone else use Twenty Fifteen? Has your page setup fallen apart?

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

50 thoughts on “More messing?”

    1. Every page has a blank background except for a bit in the top left hand corner, the remains of what it actually a stained glass longship by Burne Jones. On the home page, you can’t even read the title of the blog anymore, the white page outline chops it off.

  1. It looks ok on my desktop Mac. What I see on my screen is the stained glass image that takes up the entire left one third of my screen. It remains in place as I scroll through the menu with white letters or when I scroll through your posting.

      1. Changing the browser is a good idea. But dont try to delete the old one. You can use Firefox, or someone called “portable”. Here you will find Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera. In portable mode you can install on an USB-Stick, or into a folder of your PC. Without changing anything of the operating system. I hope you are using Windows, because Mac is not supported.

      2. I’m on Mac. But I don’t want to change browser anyway. I use the ecosia add-on to Firefox for ethical reasons. I won’t use google (for ethical reasons), and I don’t like Safari. If I use a private viewer page in Firefox the blog looks fine. I can’t be bothered wasting any more time fiddling with it

      3. Sorry, i am a little bit late, but here since some days the internet speed is decreasing horribly.
        To your question: In the browser you can erase/ delete the cookies too. You have to click on the symbol leftside near the address line, which shows the encryption of the connection.

      1. Did you try the old switch on/off trick? Switch off, go for a walk and hold thumbs all is well when you switch on again. Else contact the WP Forum and they’ll fix it for you.

      2. I think there’s a major burp somewhere in WP. A fellow blogger emailed me with a query about her blog – she can’t post at all. You with your picture shunted into a left top hand corner. Dverse Poets, in my reader posted the Prosery prompt 12 hrs ago. Bjorn posted early, apparently but it all shows the correct time here. I’m working on a piece and haven’t posted for a few days so I’m fine. So there/ and goodnight!

      3. The blogger who couldn’t post realised she didn’t renew her subscription, so that one is sorted. Maybe Time Itself is adjusting to the New Normal!

      4. I got an engineer. It’s my browser and since I don’t want to use Safari and won’t use google chrome, there’s not much to be done about it. It’s my browser doesn’t explain ‘what’ about my browser, but that’s as much info as I’m going to get.

      5. I use Firefox latest version and apparently I’m the only one to have a problem viewing my page. One of the annoying consequences is that the menu and the side bar with all the functions has disappeared up into the left hand corner so I can’t access anything. Unless I open in a private viewer page. And just since yesterday. Progress.

      6. No, I hadn’t thought of that. I can’t imagine Firefox would bugger my blog. I mean, why me? And only me? It’s far more likely to be a WP glitch that they can’t be bothered digging down to sort out. The engineers aren’t to blame, they’re just volunteers, I think.

      7. If it’s a WP engineer you got it’s probably staff. I don’t mean Firefox buggered your blog; but they can perhaps help sort out the glitch? I had Google answer me once or twice so why not Firefox? May be worth a try.

      1. It isn’t faster for what I want to do. It’s avoiding the bloody blocks where possible but having to dip in when you can’t get access to an image any other way.

      2. That works up to a point, but it refuses to put extra line spaces in once you’ve pasted in the text and you have to go through a block to access the gallery of images.

  2. It looks fine for me right now too. But sometimes things just get wacky. They really need some good tech people instead of “happiness engineers”. (K)

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