Meet the Author: Tricia Drammeh

An interview with a very sensitive and versatile author whose personal qualities come out in her writing.

Susan Finlay Writes

I’d like to introduce you to the ninetieth interviewee in my ‘Meet the Author’ series. She is Tricia Drammeh.

Tricia Drammeh

Hi, Tricia! Welcome to Susan Finlay Writes blog site. Can you tell us a bit about your background as a writer?

I began writing about four years ago. The resulting book was published in 2012 by a small press, and since then, I’ve self-published three books in various genres.

Your latest New Adult novel, Better Than Perfect, was released on May 27, 2014. Can you tell us about the book? What is the ‘New Adult’ genre?

Better than Perfect is a contemporary romance/chick-lit novel about a young woman who is coming out of a long depression following the death of her parents. Karlie is ready for adventure, but change is hard for her. She meets the guy of her dreams, but their relationship faces challenges very early on when she…

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Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

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