Poetry challenge Daybreak: the entries

This week produced another tremendously varied collection of poetry, even a couple of humorous interpretations. It was only after really studying this painting that I realised it isn’t a girl gazing out to sea at all. The vast sky perhaps gives the impression of an ocean. I think it’s more that we see what we are expecting to see, and the association of the girl waiting on the seashore for her man is very strong. It completely changed the way I interpreted the emotional impact of the painting. Gazing across a tranquil pastoral scene to me suggests a quite different state of mind to that of staring out to the horizon of an empty sea. It was interesting to read the different directions these various thoughts lead you in. (horrible sentence but you know what I mean).

Louise set the week off to a brilliant start with this melancholy poem with an unexpected twist in the tail.

I Wish She Knew – Fantasy Raconteur


Ken in frivolous mode. When you look at the painting, not such a wild idea after all 🙂

Waxing Poetic | rivrvlogr


TJ with a very classical-sounding poem.

Longing for Light | La vie est trop courte pour boire du mauvais vin


Lady Lee’s poem is a tribute to a mother.

Aurora is my Mother’s Name – ladyleemanila Edit


Sarah with another touching poem, full of the sensation of something precious drifting just beyond our grasp.

Daybreak -minute poem for Jane Dougherty | fmme writes poems


MariJo’s poem is more reflective and hopeful than sad.

Daydream Breaking – The Journey of a Million Miles


Peter’s poem about the old old story—a girl about to receive the first of life’s big disappointments.



Leara’s poem echoes the rather resigned emotions of the girl who waits for her man, knowing that his real love is elsewhere.

For the Love of the Sea – LearaWrites


Merril’s poem is one of my favourites. There are a lot of strong emotions here wrapped up in a classical form.

Maidens, Beware | Yesterday and today: Merril’s historical musings


Kat’s two poems both ask imponderable questions, one general on the state of the world, the second much more personal and perhaps with more hope of a happy outcome.

Blue Lady Blue | like mercury colliding…


Kerfe with a Selkie poem. Can’t go wrong there, really. The eternal dilemma for the half-blood people. With beautiful artwork to boot.

The Selkie’s Daughter | method two madness


Tricia with a delicately worded poem about waking in the quiet of a dawn that might or might not be the start of a good day.

Daybreak – Creative State of Mind


Janice’s poem echoes sentiments we probably all feel at some time—the sight of something as cheery as a blue flower can brighten up the most mournful day.

Daybreak – Ontheland


Geoff with the story of the very lucky moggy.

Revenge is a Dish Best Served Posthumously #poem #poetry #prompt | TanGental E


Sri with a poem that is pure romance.

For you…


As ever, thanks so much for joining in, and hope to see you tomorrow for another challenge.

Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

10 thoughts on “Poetry challenge Daybreak: the entries”

  1. I always look forward to the recap so I can read everyone’s entries! I truly enjoyed them. And I am growing quite fond of the Minute Poem. 🙂

  2. I too like re/reading them at one sitting.. There’s a gentleness to this form that really stands out when you experience them all at once. (K)

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