At the morning of the world

A fable for the world’s end in the form of a triolet, written for the #OctPoWriMo prompt.


At the morning of the world there was a tree,

And its broad branches all new life contained,

It sheltered squirrels, blackbirds, you and me.

At the morning of the world there was a tree,

It’s evening now, there’s nothing much to see—

Earth’s beauty squandered—we should have remained

At the morning of the world. There was a tree,

It sheltered squirrels, blackbirds, you and me.


Published by

Jane Dougherty

I used to do lots of things I didn't much enjoy. Now I am officially a writer. It's what I always wanted to be.

16 thoughts on “At the morning of the world”

      1. …Well. I have to say, Jane, you did it again! I got it written! But, following the old unsanitized Brothers Grimm tradition, it’s (pun intended) rather grim.

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